(Not included elsewhere in the report)
Service Service Area Reason for Variance & Action being taken Variance to Date Projected Variance to Year End
      £ £
      + = Adverse              ( ) = Favourable
Legal & HR Search Fees Downturn in property market and increased popularity of personal searches and LLC1s as opposed to full searches.  Difficult to predict full year impact but initial view is a downturn of £20K. +10,800 +20,000
Amusement Machines Higher number of new adult gaming centre licence applications have been received than was anticipated. (12,500) (10,000)
Information & Customer Services Printing / copying equipment Printing structure changed - further investigation needed and full corporate review to be carried out (10,000) ?
Financial Services Area Based Grant (unallocated) Call-in (& subsequent reversal) of decision to appoint Community Cohesion Officer.  Projection assumes that monies will be allocated in Nov 08 & spent before year end (Cabinet minute 19 refers) (26,000) +0
Pension Costs Expected that inflationary increases may be covered through reducing pensioner numbers. +0 (9,000)
Audit Fees Projection allows for estimated grant certification costs, & NFI. +0 (9,000)
Investment Interest Higher investment returns, linked to recent economic instabilities.  Full year represents guestimate only - will be influenced by HRA share too. (65,000) (65,000)
Bank Charges Further work to be done in reviewing contract position. +9,000 ?
Management & Admin Variance relates to debt collection expenses - timing of costs dependent upon recovery action, so difficult to profile accurately. (6,000) +0
CC(D)S Transport Costs : Fuel Authority wide variance due to impact of higher than budgeted inflation +0 +126,000
Transport Costs : Other Underspend on repair and maintenance. Not anticipated to be a variance at year end. (9,000) +0
White Lund Depot : NNDR RV of depot increased due to open areas now being included in valuation. +8,500 +8,500
White Lund Depot : Water High levels of solids in waste water resulting in unexpected high charges +11,600 +11,600
Property Services Off-street car parks : fee income Additional pay and display ticket income, but position could change later in year. (21,700) +0
Off-street car parks : Permits Reduced public permit sales. +28,300 +25,000
Residents on-street permits Increased permits and visitor card sales. (10,700) (5,000)
Charter Market : income Substantial increase in trader attendance, resulting in higher income. (6,000) (20,000)  
Lancaster Market : rental income Substantial drop in number of tenants. +12,600 +25,000
Economic Development & Tourism Morecambe TIC : Rent Due to rent review there has been an increase in cost for the Platform, backdated to December 2007. +0 +8,500
Cultural Services Community Pools : Energy Energy charges are subject to County Council negotiations with energy providers to determine appropriate tariffs.  Awaiting County to supply accurate bills for recent months. +10,900 +0
Planning Services Luneside East Estate Management Budget relates to monitoring of works by developer as per building agreement following transfer of site.  Transfer currently delayed. (9,000) (27,000)
Critical Ordinary Watercourses Budget and expenditure subject to new funding arrangements with the Environment Agency - not yet finalised. (12,600) +0
Property Services Lancaster Market : Rent Payable Landlord's proposed increase currently subject to arbitration +0 +228,000
Various Energy Display / Performance Certificates - potential costs re legal requirements? +0 ?
  TOTAL VARIANCES (96,800) +307,600
Health & Strategic Hsg
Legal & HR
Management Team
Financial Services
Corporate Strategy
Democratic Services
Cultural Services
Econ Dev & Tourism
Council Housing
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No PRT Report Produced but required